Cara Delevingne, after teasing in March that she only bleached and cut her hair because she was about to shave it off for her next movie role in Life in a Year, has done it. The actress posted the haircut shot on her Instagram story:

Hair, Pink, Blond, Purple, Hairstyle, Violet, Font, Long hair, Hair coloring, Canidae, pinterest

And posted the final look on her Instagram hours later—it's pixie-length for now:

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Delevingne isn't the only celeb to go short this spring. Zoë Kravitz and Katy Perry also did:

Hair, Face, Eyebrow, Hairstyle, Lip, Nose, Blond, Beauty, Head, Chin, pinterest
Hair, Face, Eyebrow, Blond, Hairstyle, Skin, Nose, Beauty, Chin, Lip, pinterest

And Kristen Stewart, Delevingne's movie costar Jaden Smith, and Chris Pine went all the way and buzzed their heads:

Hair, Face, Eyebrow, Hairstyle, Nose, Chin, Beauty, Blond, Lip, Head, pinterest
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Hair, Face, Hairstyle, Head, Nose, Chin, Forehead, Adaptation, pinterest
Hair, Face, Chin, Eyebrow, Forehead, Cheek, Nose, Hairstyle, Facial hair, Neck, pinterest
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