Laguna Beach ended twelve years ago, but Kristin Cavallari is still seemingly everywhere. She writes best-selling books, maintains an immaculate Insta account, and—like all Hollywood overachievers—has her own jewelry line, Uncommon James.

The 30-year-old is also the new face of Savvy Minerals by Young Living, a nature-based makeup line that launches this week. We spoke with the E! TV presenter about her beauty routine, her past fashion fails, and why every girl should know how to fix a car...

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True or false: your mom helped you book this makeup campaign.

So true. My mom was the one who gave me Young Living stuff, like their essential oils, and helped get me into more natural beauty products.

Yeah, I don't remember your makeup on "The Hills" being organic...

No, this all started when I first had kids. When I first got pregnant, I realized I had to completely change my lifestyle. I became hyper-aware of the ingredients that are in everything – food, cleaning supplies, beauty products, everything. And so my mom introduced me to Young Living, and because I know it's safe, I have piece of mind. I use their fruit and vegetable wash. I use their essential oils. And now they have makeup.

Some natural makeup lines can be blah. What's different about this one?

Oh, this one actually works. It's safe, which we all want, but they've formulated this one so you can layer the eyeshadow to build up your color. They have powder with shimmer in it, so you can contour and highlight... you can use this makeup for Instagram. It's natural but it's industrial strength!

You have a daughter who's almost two. Do you let her play with your makeup?

No, but it's not because I'm against kids playing with safe makeup. It's because if I gave her a tube of lipstick right now, that lipstick would immediately end up all over the couch. So I think we can wait a little bit, until our furniture is safe from toddlers.

Head, Lip, Cheek, Hairstyle, Skin, Chin, Forehead, Eyebrow, Style, Jaw, pinterest

"Laguna Beach" was on TV thirteen years ago. What trends from the 2004 should come back?

Oh gosh. I've never been into makeup trends, to be honest, I've always just worn what I've liked and what's worked for me... fashion-wise, though? I think it's hysterical that chokers are trendy. All I wore that first season [of] was a black suede band around my neck. Now I'm cracking up because it seems like every teenage girl is wearing one again.

Did you hear MTV is trying to make new scripted reality shows?

I heard they wanted to bring back, like, the game shows. Like Singled Out, which I love! I think that show's hilarious. I would love it if they brought it back. But if they wanted to do something more like Laguna, it's not necessarily a bad thing! I think it's just tricky because with Laguna Beach and The Hills, there was a real underlying innocence and sweetness. Everything we were going through was real. Obviously things were heightened for TV, but the emotions and the friendships were real. And I think with reality TV, bigger isn't always better, you know? The reason people liked [Laguna Beach] is because every teenager could relate to what we were feeling. It was normal teenage drama!

Are you still friends with people from high school?

Of course! I'm still very close with people I grew up with, but a lot of my best friends weren't actually on the show. I do speak with both Alexes a lot, and now that Audrina and Heidi are pregnant, they've both reached out to me about mom stuff.

What kind of 'mom stuff' do you tell them?

I tell them that I can't actually tell them 'mom stuff,' because every baby is so different. Nobody can tell you how to be a mom, that's the thing. You can get advice from everyone, but in the end, they don't know your family or your kid the way you do. So you've got to trust yourself and believe your instincts. And you can't worry about all the noise.

Like judgmental comments on the internet?

Exactly. It's one thing to offer perspective or helpful advice like, "I tried this with my baby and she loves it." But when strangers start judging you based on a few photos, it's like, "Really?" Honestly, if everyone just minded their own business, the world would be a happier place.

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Does that mean I can't tease you about your infamous Dunzo Car?

Oh no, you totally can! I'm never going to live that scene down, am I? I'd just like to point out that nobody ever told me I had to change the oil on my car. They never mention it in Driver's Ed. It's not common knowledge unless you're into cars.

You're right. When I finally brought my car in for an oil change in college, the mechanic actually said to me, "This is why girls shouldn't own automobiles."

Are you kidding me?! That's gross. Obviously, we should own whatever car we want. We just need to tell our kids, when they're learning to drive, that they need to learn when to change the oil. It shouldn't be that hard to mention!

So that episode of Laguna Beach is really like a public service announcement.

Yeah, exactly. [Laughing.] We did some good work.

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