Problem: I wanted a way to treat my muscle fatigue and elevate my bath without bubbles, since I find them too sudsy and fragrant.

Solution: Tree Hut’s Shea Moisturizing Epsom Salts have upped my bath game. They leave my skin feeling silky smooth and even help treat my headaches and sore muscles.

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A lot of people find an escape in screens. Most of us are guilty of bowing our heads to glowing smartphones and marathoning movies or TV shows. Since I make a living staring at a computer monitor all day, the last thing I want to do is find solace in another screen after work.

I’m here to tell you that the bathtub is the perfect place to decompress. If you want to make the most of your bath, consider adding in some Epsom salts. Tree Hut’s Shea Moisturizing Epsom Salts — specifically in the Coconut Lime scent — are the best I’ve come across.

Tuesday is leg day for me, so I’m sore most Wednesdays. Pouring in one or two cups of this epsom salt in a warm bath is my saving grace. Epsom salt is clinically proven to help relax muscles and alleviate pain, and the magnesium in them also has the potential to help relieve headaches. I suffer from frequent headaches and can vouch for their effectiveness on that front.

Before I discovered Tree Hut’s soothing salts, I’d buy a generic 8-pound bag of epsom salts from Walgreens. Sure, it was cheap and got the job done as far as relieving my achy muscles — but didn’t do much else besides dry out my skin.

little lifesavers tree hut epsom salts review best 2020

Tree Hut’s Epsom salts, on the other hand, left my skin feeling moisturized and silky smooth. That’s because they’re naturally rich in vitamins and contain organic shea butter that increases collagen production and nourishes your skin. The salts are also free from potentially hazardous parabens and formaldehyde donors, which are preservatives that prevent the growth of mold.

I’m sensitive to most fragrances and was genuinely hesitant about purchasing these scented bath salts because I was worried their aroma would be too overpowering. Thankfully, this isn’t the case at all. They smell amazing and are incredibly refreshing.

There’s something to be said about the ritualistic nature of drawing a bath, lighting a few candles, soaking in the stillness of warm water, and letting the stress and noise of the outside world just momentarily slip away, free from distractions. These Epsom salts will bring you one step closer to that bliss.

Tree Hut Tree Hut Shea Moisturizing Epsom Salt

Tree Hut Shea Moisturizing Epsom Salt
$20 at Walmart

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The Best Bath Bubbles for Ultimate Relaxation

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Brandon Carte
Senior Electronics Editor

Brandon Carte has been covering technology at since 2017, where he's been writing about the latest gadgets, appliances, and scouring the internet for the products that make life easier. His reporting has been featured on, Good Housekeeping and USA Today. When he's not researching washing machines or testing robot vacuums, you can find him at concerts, swimming laps, or at the movies. He thinks smartphones are too big, prefers MP3s to Spotify, and misses his iPhone’s headphone jack.