A Chic Perfume Oil Will Switch Up Your Scent Wardrobe

Your new spring scent awaits.

Which Perfume Oil Is Right for You?
(Image credit: Getty/Cris Cantón)

I'm a fan of the regular, run-of-the-mill spritz perfume. Don't you feel luxurious when you tilt your neck to get a good angle for application? But as much as I love a classic, oil perfumes are an up-and-coming option you should pay more attention to. For starters, the wear on oil scents versus spray-on perfumes is completely different. Oil perfumes absorb and sink into your skin, leaving you with a lingering top note all-day long. While some spritz perfumes contain alcohol, which can be very drying for my sensitive-skin ladies, oil is hydrating and causes fewer allergic reactions. The companies that are releasing this scent rendition have truly created some gems. 

Whether you're into florals, citrus, or musk, perfumeries have created top-notch oil perfumes that suit every need. Plus, if you're a brand loyalist, odds are that some of your favorites have an oil option for you to try. So dab on these chic oil scents (on the sides of the neck, behind the ears, and on the inner wrist) and wait for everyone who comes within six feet of you to say, "Wow, you smell so good."


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Tatjana Freund

Tatjana Freund is a Beauty Commerce Writer, covering makeup, skincare, and haircare products and trends. She's a fan of vodka tonics and creepy Wikipedia pages.