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Ivanka Trump appears to have it all; she's beautiful and talented, is an excellent businesswoman, a loving wife and mother, and her wardrobe is spot on. The best part? She's also funny, humble and wants to share her knowledge and experiences with woman everywhere. We chatted with the exceptionally put-together mogul during a preview of her latest Ivanka Trump handbag collection, and got her to share some lesser known, less perfect facts about herself. Read below to discover her guiltiest pleasure, what challenges her the most in life and how she goes about getting dressed in the morning.

Harper's Bazaar: What would people be most surprised to learn about you?
Ivanka Trump: 1.I haven't purchased a pair of shoes since I started my brand.
2. I cook for my family every weekend.
3. I don't own a blowdryer—I don't know how to use it. Most mornings, I walk to work with my hair wet.
4. I'm a closet Real Housewives fan. Any season, any year.
5. I'm training to run my first half-marathon—this Sunday!

HB: Most humbling business moment?
IT: I have been incredibly humbled by the reaction we've received from our Women Who Work initiative. I meet women every day who believe in what we're doing and personally resonate with our message—there's no such thing as balance; it's all about leading one full life and living it to the fullest. The reaction has been confirmation for me that our message is due and that my company and site,, is becoming what I created it to be, a resource to empower and inspire women who work at all aspects of their lives.

HB: What has been the most challenging part of motherhood?
IT: Accepting that balance doesn't truly exist—and creating a routine that works for my family and I, despite what others may think. Having children has made me incredibly efficient. It's hard to leave them in the mornings, but I'm extremely productive during the day, knowing I want to be fully focused on them when I get home.

HB: Could you share one of your biggest life lessons?
IT: Marrying Jared was the best decision I've ever made. You realize in life, not that many things matter that much, but your choice of a spouse is everything. We're truly partners—he supports my work and my ambitions. I know that he's always got my back and I've got his.

HB: What is your guiltiest food pleasure?
IT: Mozzarella sticks!

HB: Do you have an office 'uniform' or any special methods on organizing your wardrobe for the week?
IT: My go-to look during the week is a well-tailored dress and heels. Accessories are crucial. A great bag and a piece of statement jewelry are the fastest way to elevate an otherwise understated look. I also always have a pair of chic flats under my desk to slip in to when I am touring development projects and our various construction projects.

HB: Which items do you splurge on?
IT: I can't resist the occasional spa day. Trump SoHo has the only authentic, luxury hammam on the East Coast in which we offer an amazing body treatment (a traditional Turkish scrub followed by a massage)—completely worth the splurge.

HB: Which items do you save on?
IT: My mother taught me to appreciate a good drugstore beauty aisle. I regularly use Aquaphor, Chap Stick, Purpose Face Soap, and Aveeno body moisturizer.

HB: Do you have an embarrassing beauty moment or trend that you tried and wished you hadn't?
IT: Does a half decade count? The years between when I was 13 and 17 were pretty rough on many levels!!!

HB: Which bag from your new line will you be carrying? What are the essentials you always have in your handbag?
IT: I love the Charlotte handbag in our spring collection. I also snagged an early sample of the Briarcliff Bucket Bag—I was carrying it long before it was available in stores. The greatest product research (and validation!) may have come from all the compliments that I got from friends and strangers in those months prior to its launch! I keep the contents of my bag pretty minimal. I've got a card holder, my iPhone, hospital grade sanitation wipes (I'm a complete germaphobe) and a couple of random lip glosses and lip moisturizers. I've also got a couple of pink pom poms with me at all times. Arabella gets one every time she does something kind for someone else and once she fills up a jar with pom poms, she's rewarded with a fun experience for us to share.